Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Grandmommy & Sharon Visit

On Sunday, Daddy Steve met Sheila in Hillsboro to pick up Grandmommy and my great-aunt Sharon to come visit for a few days!!  We all went over to Daddy Steve and Namaw's for dinner and to see them.  Even GG got to come over and visit with us!

This picture was too funny to leave out!  Brody wanted to hold a fussy Axton, so he sat in Caleb's lap to hold him.  When I went to take their picture...they both gave me the same silly face!
(click on the collage below to see full screen)
When the adults were tired of playing baseball, we convinced the boys to put the bat down by promising to stop at the playground.  We sat in the shade while they had us time them racing through an obstacle course they made up using all the playground equipment.  Where do they get all this energy (and how are they not sore the next day)?!?
On Monday night we went to the Ghost Runners softball game (the team Mike, Caleb, and Josh play on).  I'm not sure if Grandmommy and Sharon had more fun watching the game...or playing with Axton!
Yesterday I dropped the boys off at school and then picked up "the girls" to come to my house for a caramel macchiato.  We spent several hours drinking our coffee and talking about our faith.  It was such a sweet time together with two women that I really admire....a time that I'll cherish for the rest of my life!  I wish they lived close enough that we could get together for coffee and a talk every week!
After coffee we stopped by to visit Audria and Axton, went by the grocery store, and then headed back to Daddy Steve and Namaw's for a late lunch.  Namaw and Brody took the girls back to Hillsboro yesterday afternoon.  We miss them already and can't wait for the next visit!


Grammy said...

Mother really enjoyed their time up there with all of you.

Ann Hastings said...

We LOVED seeing them!

Anonymous said...

We had a WONDERFUL time - it just went by too fast.
Thank y'all for showing us such a good time. It was so much fun seeing everyone and holding the little boys.