Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Learning to Drive

For the past few weeks Barrett's been waking up a little early.  He stumbles into the kitchen and says, "I want Daddy!" (not something we're used to hearing from our mama's boy).  Then he follows Mike around as he finishes getting ready for work.  When it's time to leave, Barrett runs ahead of Mike to the Jeep and climbs up into the drivers seat!  Mike let's him sit in his lap and hold the steering wheel as he backs out of the driveway.  Barrett thinks he is big stuff getting to drive with Daddy!  He loves this routine so much that it has become his favorite part of the day! 


Paula said...

I could stare at this picture all day. It draws me in and brings tears to my eyes. Ok. I'm clicking off because I'm at work and don't need to be crying.

Mom said...

I am so glad you captured that memory!

Leave It To Davis said...

It looks like Daddy is enjoying this part of the day, as well. Your boys are lucky to have parents who love them so much!