Wednesday, March 26, 2008

No Room for Quitters

This is a shout-out to my aerobics class back in Kansas. Even though I don't have a membership to the gym here (it's a little more expensive here)...I haven't given up on exercising! I get up Monday-Friday and do aerobics videos in the living room. I will admit that yesterday morning I slept in...but that was only because I went on a 2 hour walk to the park Monday afternoon (not on takes longer to walk to the park when you're 6.5 months pregnant and your hips and back are killing you...not to mention pushing the stroller up hill! There are MANY more hills here than in KS!) Anyways...I skipped my morning workout yesterday because my hips and back were still killing me from the overexertion! I was back at it today. Many days Dad will get home from the gym and finish my aerobics workout with me!


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed!

suzspeaks said...

I'm really proud of you!!!

Holli's Kansas Adventures said...

That is GREAT! I am not even going to tell you how it is going here without you. (buncha slackers) That is all I am gonna say about that. Keep up the good work!

The weather has been VERY nice and I have been in my yard cutting and dragging and cleaning up from the winter storms though. I KNOW that counts.

Anonymous said...

I know the morning ladies miss you and I don't even come close to replacing you as an aerobic instructor but I'm getting better! I'm looking forward to going through the certification. Glad you're keeping up with it.

Looks like your parents' house has been toddlerized!!

Amy said...

Good job for still keeping up with the workouts!!

Anonymous said...

I never doubted you would continue working out in TX! Is that Gilad on the tv? Fit TV? I wish we had it here!

RaeAnn is doing a really good job with the morning class. As is Louise. We often talk about you and how much we miss YOU and not just your teaching our class.

It is so nice to be able to see how your family is doing on this blog. Won't it be great when Mike gets to join you for good?

Jamie said...

You can't even tell you are pg from the back. Great job

Ann Hastings said...

I bet if anyone can get you a discount at the gym it's Steve;)

Good job on continuing to work out- that's will power!

Carolyn said...

I am impressed! Obviously the videos are working because you look great. I also want to know if that is Gilad on the video--he always makes me laugh. I love Cathe too, but she can make me hate her at times (in a good way). Way to go!

Ledbetter Fam said...

Way to go!!! I figured you would probably choose Gold's, but if your interested, I work out at LA Fitness (wink, wink). In fact, I heard a rumor that they are looking for another trainer.


Karen said...

I agree with Jamie....I wouldn't know you were pregnant if you didn't turn around!